Your Support
I am not accepting monetary donations to my campaign. If Hutto was a big city with PACs and lobbyists and rich special-interest groups funding campaigns, then I would consider taking money. I believe Hutto is about community, and not about which candidate has deeper pockets or the richest supporters.
But if you really want to give money, might I suggest one of our amazing non-profit organizations instead? I personally like Keep Hutto Beautiful, but the Hutto Resource Center, the new Parks Foundation, the Sandbox at Madeline's... all of those and many more can use your generosity for greater good than my political campaign.
If you want to show your support, just sign up below and I'll plant a sign in your yard or drop it off at your business.

I want a yard sign!
Fill out the fields below, and I'll deliver to you. No contact, mask, or hand-sanitizer needed!